Here I am...
Betraying Livejournal and moving to Blogger.
Sellout. Pshhhhh.
This will be fun...
I warn you that my blog is known to be insanely honest,
and insanely vague at the same time...
injected with bits of randomness...or gravy.
Info and inspiration that I find along the way...
and couches.

I look forward to joining the community of the Blogger obsessed.
::::End Game::::
Oh you are so cute. I think it's hilarious that you joined blogger... and after me even. Whoa. I like the way it looks and I we'll have to partner up in learning how to use this thing!
Love you girl...
Alberta is warm...
Welcome to the blogging world of blogger, livejournals and wordpresses sophisticated ugly happy love child.
It's a pain, but I like it so far.
Have fun with it, and get a flickr account too.> Join!
If ya got any questions...I will probably be of no help, but I can try.
haha! You're all crazy.
Welcome, Laura! It's wildly crazy Like you.
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